Approximations with Reweighted Generalized Belief Propagation

Wim Wiegerinck
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR R5:421-428, 2005.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-vR5-wiegerinck05a, title = {Approximations with Reweighted Generalized Belief Propagation}, author = {Wiegerinck, Wim}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics}, pages = {421--428}, year = {2005}, editor = {Cowell, Robert G. and Ghahramani, Zoubin}, volume = {R5}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {06--08 Jan}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, note = {Reissued by PMLR on 30 March 2021.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Approximations with Reweighted Generalized Belief Propagation %A Wim Wiegerinck %B Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2005 %E Robert G. Cowell %E Zoubin Ghahramani %F pmlr-vR5-wiegerinck05a %I PMLR %P 421--428 %U %V R5 %Z Reissued by PMLR on 30 March 2021.
Wiegerinck, W.. (2005). Approximations with Reweighted Generalized Belief Propagation. Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research R5:421-428 Available from Reissued by PMLR on 30 March 2021.

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