ISSN: 2640-3498

The Proceedings of Machine Learning Research is a series that publishes machine learning research papers presented at conferences and workshops. Each volume is separately titled and associated with a particular workshop or conference and will be published online on the PMLR web site. Authors retain copyright.


The Series Editor is Neil Lawrence. Please send proposals for new volumes under this series to us via e-mail: Each proposal should include:

  • A brief description of the event's scope and topics to be covered.
  • A description of the review process for the proceedings.
  • The names and short CVs (a few lines) of the proposed Proceedings Editors.

For frequently asked questions on publishing proceedings please see the FAQ.

For details on how to prepare a proceedings for publication please see the Specification.

Reissue Series

We have launched a "reissue series" for republishing volumes of papers that are no longer on line. Our first reissues are early editions of AISTATS, AISTATS 1995, AISTATS 1997, AISTATS 1999, AISTATS 2001, AISTATS 2003 and AISTATS 2005. To suggest volumes for the reissue series contact the editors. You will need to provide the information provided in the Proceedings Specification to provide the volume.


The rebranding of JMLR W&CP was finalized on 10th April 2017. The first volume to be published only on the PMLR site is volume 54, the 2017 AISTATS Proceedings. The ISSN of the old proceedings was: 1938-7228.

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