Efficiently Solving MDPs with Stochastic Mirror Descent
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:4890-4900, 2020.
We present a unified framework based on primal-dual stochastic mirror descent for approximately solving infinite-horizon Markov decision processes (MDPs) given a generative model. When applied to an average-reward MDP with Atot total actions and mixing time bound tmix our method computes an ϵ-optimal policy with an expected ˜O(t2mixAtotϵ−2) samples from the state-transition matrix, removing the ergodicity dependence of prior art. When applied to a γ-discounted MDP with Atot total actions our method computes an ϵ-optimal policy with an expected ˜O((1−γ)−4Atotϵ−2) samples, improving over the best-known primal-dual methods while matching the state-of-the-art up to a (1−γ)−1 factor. Both methods are model-free, update state values and policies simultaneously, and run in time linear in the number of samples taken. We achieve these results through a more general stochastic mirror descent framework for solving bilinear saddle-point problems with simplex and box domains and we demonstrate the flexibility of this framework by providing further applications to constrained MDPs.