aGrUM/pyAgrum : a toolbox to build models and algorithms for Probabilistic Graphical Models in Python
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, PMLR 138, 2020.
This paper presents the aGrUM framework, a LGPL C++
library providing state-of-the-art implementations of graphical models
for decision making, including Bayesian Networks, Markov Networks
(Markov random fields), Influence Diagrams, Credal Networks,
Probabilistic Relational Models. The framework also contains a wrapper,
pyAgrum for exploiting aGrUM in Python. This framework is the result of
an ongoing effort to build an efficient and well maintained open source
cross-platform software, running on Linux, MacOS X and Windows, for
dealing with graphical models and for providing essential components to
build new algorithms for graphical models.