Causal Bandits with Propagating Inference

Akihiro Yabe, Daisuke Hatano, Hanna Sumita, Shinji Ito, Naonori Kakimura, Takuro Fukunaga, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 80:5512-5520, 2018.


Bandit is a framework for designing sequential experiments, where a learner selects an arm AA and obtains an observation corresponding to A in each experiment. Theoretically, the tight regret lower-bound for the general bandit is polynomial with respect to the number of arms |A|, and thus, to overcome this bound, the bandit problem with side-information is often considered. Recently, a bandit framework over a causal graph was introduced, where the structure of the causal graph is available as side-information and the arms are identified with interventions on the causal graph. Existing algorithms for causal bandit overcame the Ω(|A|/T) simple-regret lower-bound; however, their algorithms work only when the interventions A are localized around a single node (i.e., an intervention propagates only to its neighbors). We then propose a novel causal bandit algorithm for an arbitrary set of interventions, which can propagate throughout the causal graph. We also show that it achieves O(γlog(|A|T)/T) regret bound, where γ is determined by using a causal graph structure. In particular, if the maximum in-degree of the causal graph is a constant, then γ=O(N2), where N is the number of nodes.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v80-yabe18a, title = {Causal Bandits with Propagating Inference}, author = {Yabe, Akihiro and Hatano, Daisuke and Sumita, Hanna and Ito, Shinji and Kakimura, Naonori and Fukunaga, Takuro and Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {5512--5520}, year = {2018}, editor = {Dy, Jennifer and Krause, Andreas}, volume = {80}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {10--15 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {Bandit is a framework for designing sequential experiments, where a learner selects an arm $A \in \mathcal{A}$ and obtains an observation corresponding to $A$ in each experiment. Theoretically, the tight regret lower-bound for the general bandit is polynomial with respect to the number of arms $|\mathcal{A}|$, and thus, to overcome this bound, the bandit problem with side-information is often considered. Recently, a bandit framework over a causal graph was introduced, where the structure of the causal graph is available as side-information and the arms are identified with interventions on the causal graph. Existing algorithms for causal bandit overcame the $\Omega(\sqrt{|\mathcal{A}|/T})$ simple-regret lower-bound; however, their algorithms work only when the interventions $\mathcal{A}$ are localized around a single node (i.e., an intervention propagates only to its neighbors). We then propose a novel causal bandit algorithm for an arbitrary set of interventions, which can propagate throughout the causal graph. We also show that it achieves $O(\sqrt{ \gamma^*\log(|\mathcal{A}|T) / T})$ regret bound, where $\gamma^*$ is determined by using a causal graph structure. In particular, if the maximum in-degree of the causal graph is a constant, then $\gamma^* = O(N^2)$, where $N$ is the number of nodes.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Causal Bandits with Propagating Inference %A Akihiro Yabe %A Daisuke Hatano %A Hanna Sumita %A Shinji Ito %A Naonori Kakimura %A Takuro Fukunaga %A Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi %B Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2018 %E Jennifer Dy %E Andreas Krause %F pmlr-v80-yabe18a %I PMLR %P 5512--5520 %U %V 80 %X Bandit is a framework for designing sequential experiments, where a learner selects an arm $A \in \mathcal{A}$ and obtains an observation corresponding to $A$ in each experiment. Theoretically, the tight regret lower-bound for the general bandit is polynomial with respect to the number of arms $|\mathcal{A}|$, and thus, to overcome this bound, the bandit problem with side-information is often considered. Recently, a bandit framework over a causal graph was introduced, where the structure of the causal graph is available as side-information and the arms are identified with interventions on the causal graph. Existing algorithms for causal bandit overcame the $\Omega(\sqrt{|\mathcal{A}|/T})$ simple-regret lower-bound; however, their algorithms work only when the interventions $\mathcal{A}$ are localized around a single node (i.e., an intervention propagates only to its neighbors). We then propose a novel causal bandit algorithm for an arbitrary set of interventions, which can propagate throughout the causal graph. We also show that it achieves $O(\sqrt{ \gamma^*\log(|\mathcal{A}|T) / T})$ regret bound, where $\gamma^*$ is determined by using a causal graph structure. In particular, if the maximum in-degree of the causal graph is a constant, then $\gamma^* = O(N^2)$, where $N$ is the number of nodes.
Yabe, A., Hatano, D., Sumita, H., Ito, S., Kakimura, N., Fukunaga, T. & Kawarabayashi, K.. (2018). Causal Bandits with Propagating Inference. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 80:5512-5520 Available from

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