Multivariate-Information Adversarial Ensemble for Scalable Joint Distribution Matching

Ziliang Chen, Zhanfu Yang, Xiaoxi Wang, Xiaodan Liang, Xiaopeng Yan, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 97:1112-1121, 2019.


A broad range of cross-m-domain generation researches boil down to matching a joint distribution by deep generative models (DGMs). Hitherto algorithms excel in pairwise domains while as m increases, remain struggling to scale themselves to fit a joint distribution. In this paper, we propose a domain-scalable DGM, i.e., MMI-ALI for m-domain joint distribution matching. As an m-domain ensemble model of ALIs (Dumoulin et al., 2016), MMI-ALI is adversarially trained with maximizing Multivariate Mutual Information (MMI) w.r.t. joint variables of each pair of domains and their shared feature. The negative MMIs are upper bounded by a series of feasible losses provably leading to matching m-domain joint distributions. MMI-ALI linearly scales as m increases and thus, strikes a right balance between efficacy and scalability. We evaluate MMI-ALI in diverse challenging m-domain scenarios and verify its superiority.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v97-chen19l, title = {Multivariate-Information Adversarial Ensemble for Scalable Joint Distribution Matching}, author = {Chen, Ziliang and Yang, Zhanfu and Wang, Xiaoxi and Liang, Xiaodan and Yan, Xiaopeng and Li, Guanbin and Lin, Liang}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {1112--1121}, year = {2019}, editor = {Chaudhuri, Kamalika and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan}, volume = {97}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {09--15 Jun}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {A broad range of cross-$m$-domain generation researches boil down to matching a joint distribution by deep generative models (DGMs). Hitherto algorithms excel in pairwise domains while as $m$ increases, remain struggling to scale themselves to fit a joint distribution. In this paper, we propose a domain-scalable DGM, i.e., MMI-ALI for $m$-domain joint distribution matching. As an $m$-domain ensemble model of ALIs (Dumoulin et al., 2016), MMI-ALI is adversarially trained with maximizing Multivariate Mutual Information (MMI) w.r.t. joint variables of each pair of domains and their shared feature. The negative MMIs are upper bounded by a series of feasible losses provably leading to matching $m$-domain joint distributions. MMI-ALI linearly scales as $m$ increases and thus, strikes a right balance between efficacy and scalability. We evaluate MMI-ALI in diverse challenging $m$-domain scenarios and verify its superiority.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Multivariate-Information Adversarial Ensemble for Scalable Joint Distribution Matching %A Ziliang Chen %A Zhanfu Yang %A Xiaoxi Wang %A Xiaodan Liang %A Xiaopeng Yan %A Guanbin Li %A Liang Lin %B Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2019 %E Kamalika Chaudhuri %E Ruslan Salakhutdinov %F pmlr-v97-chen19l %I PMLR %P 1112--1121 %U %V 97 %X A broad range of cross-$m$-domain generation researches boil down to matching a joint distribution by deep generative models (DGMs). Hitherto algorithms excel in pairwise domains while as $m$ increases, remain struggling to scale themselves to fit a joint distribution. In this paper, we propose a domain-scalable DGM, i.e., MMI-ALI for $m$-domain joint distribution matching. As an $m$-domain ensemble model of ALIs (Dumoulin et al., 2016), MMI-ALI is adversarially trained with maximizing Multivariate Mutual Information (MMI) w.r.t. joint variables of each pair of domains and their shared feature. The negative MMIs are upper bounded by a series of feasible losses provably leading to matching $m$-domain joint distributions. MMI-ALI linearly scales as $m$ increases and thus, strikes a right balance between efficacy and scalability. We evaluate MMI-ALI in diverse challenging $m$-domain scenarios and verify its superiority.
Chen, Z., Yang, Z., Wang, X., Liang, X., Yan, X., Li, G. & Lin, L.. (2019). Multivariate-Information Adversarial Ensemble for Scalable Joint Distribution Matching. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 97:1112-1121 Available from

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