Convex Invariance Learning
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR R4:149-156, 2003.
Invariance and representation learning are important precursors to modeling and classification tools particularly for non-Euclidean spaces such as images, strings and nonvectorial data. This article proposes a method for learning invariances in data while jointly estimating a model. The technique results in a convex programming problem with a consistent and unique solution. Representation variables are considered as affine transformations confined by multiple equality and inequality constraints. These interact individually with each datum yet maintain the overall solvability of the model estimation process while uniquely solving for the representational variables themselves. The method is applicable to various types of modeling, including maximum likelihood estimation, principal components analysis, and discriminative methods. Starting from affine invariance, several types of invariances are proposed and implemented as convex programs including clustering, permutation, selection, rotation, and translation. Experiments on non-vectorial data such as images and collections of tuples provide promising results.