Sparse sketches with small inversion bias
Proceedings of Thirty Fourth Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 134:1467-1510, 2021.
For a tall n×d matrix A and a random m×n sketching matrix S, the sketched estimate of the inverse covariance matrix (A⊤A)−1 is typically biased: E[(˜A⊤˜A)−1]≠(A⊤A)−1, where ˜A=SA. This phenomenon, which we call inversion bias, arises, e.g., in statistics and distributed optimization, when averaging multiple independently constructed estimates of quantities that depend on the inverse covariance. We develop a framework for analyzing inversion bias, based on our proposed concept of an (ϵ,δ)-unbiased estimator for random matrices. We show that when the sketching matrix S is dense and has i.i.d. sub-gaussian entries, then after simple rescaling, the estimator (mm−d˜A⊤˜A)−1 is (ϵ,δ)-unbiased for (A⊤A)−1 with a sketch of size m=O(d+√d/ϵ). This implies that for m=O(d), the inversion bias of this estimator is O(1/√d), which is much smaller than the Θ(1) approximation error obtained as a consequence of the subspace embedding guarantee for sub-gaussian sketches. We then propose a new sketching technique, called LEverage Score Sparsified (LESS) embeddings, which uses ideas from both data-oblivious sparse embeddings as well as data-aware leverage-based row sampling methods, to get ϵ inversion bias for sketch size m=O(dlogd+√d/ϵ) in time O(nnz(A)logn+md2), where nnz is the number of non-zeros. The key techniques enabling our analysis include an extension of a classical inequality of Bai and Silverstein for random quadratic forms, which we call the Restricted Bai-Silverstein inequality; and anti-concentration of the Binomial distribution via the Paley-Zygmund inequality, which we use to prove a lower bound showing that leverage score sampling sketches generally do not achieve small inversion bias.