Efficient Online Learning for Dynamic k-Clustering
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139:3396-3406, 2021.
In this work, we study dynamic clustering problems from the perspective of online learning. We consider an online learning problem, called \textit{Dynamic k-Clustering}, in which k centers are maintained in a metric space over time (centers may change positions) such as a dynamically changing set of r clients is served in the best possible way. The connection cost at round t is given by the \textit{p-norm} of the vector formed by the distance of each client to its closest center at round t, for some p≥1. We design a \textit{Θ(min-regret} polynomial-time online learning algorithm, while we show that, under some well-established computational complexity conjectures, \textit{constant-regret} cannot be achieved in polynomial-time. In addition to the efficient solution of Dynamic k-Clustering, our work contributes to the long line of research of combinatorial online learning.