Regret Bounds for Adaptive Nonlinear Control
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, PMLR 144:471-483, 2021.
We study the problem of adaptively controlling a known discrete-time nonlinear system subject to unmodeled disturbances. We prove the first finite-time regret bounds for adaptive nonlinear control with matched uncertainty in the stochastic setting, showing that the regret suffered by certainty equivalence adaptive control, compared to an oracle controller with perfect knowledge of the un-modeled disturbances, is upper bounded by ˜O(√T) in expectation. Furthermore, we show that when the input is subject to a k timestep delay, the regret degrades to ˜O(k√T). Our analysis draws connections between classical stability notions in nonlinear control theory (Lyapunov stability and contraction theory) and modern regret analysis from online convex optimization. The use of stability theory allows us to analyze the challenging infinite-horizon single trajectory setting.