Experience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights

Samarth Sinha, Jiaming Song, Animesh Garg, Stefano Ermon
Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, PMLR 168:110-123, 2022.


The use of past experiences to accelerate temporal difference (TD) learning of value functions, or experience replay, is a key component in deep reinforcement learning methods such as actor-critic.In this work, we propose to re-weight experiences based on their likelihood under the stationary distribution of the current policy, and justify this with a contraction argument over the Bellman evaluation operator. The resulting TD objective encourages small approximation errors on the value function over frequently encountered states. To balance bias (from off-policy experiences) and variance (from on-policy experiences), we use a likelihood-free density ratio estimator between on-policy and off-policy experiences, and use the learned ratios as the prioritization weights. We apply the proposed approach empirically on Soft Actor Critic (SAC), Double DQN and Data-regularized Q(DrQ), over 12 Atari environments and 6 tasks from the DeepMind control suite. We achieve superior sample complexity on 9 out of 12 Atari environments and 16 out of 24 method-task combinations for DCS compared to the best baselines.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v168-sinha22a, title = {Experience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights}, author = {Sinha, Samarth and Song, Jiaming and Garg, Animesh and Ermon, Stefano}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference}, pages = {110--123}, year = {2022}, editor = {Firoozi, Roya and Mehr, Negar and Yel, Esen and Antonova, Rika and Bohg, Jeannette and Schwager, Mac and Kochenderfer, Mykel}, volume = {168}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {23--24 Jun}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v168/sinha22a/sinha22a.pdf}, url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v168/sinha22a.html}, abstract = {The use of past experiences to accelerate temporal difference (TD) learning of value functions, or experience replay, is a key component in deep reinforcement learning methods such as actor-critic.In this work, we propose to re-weight experiences based on their likelihood under the stationary distribution of the current policy, and justify this with a contraction argument over the Bellman evaluation operator. The resulting TD objective encourages small approximation errors on the value function over frequently encountered states. To balance bias (from off-policy experiences) and variance (from on-policy experiences), we use a likelihood-free density ratio estimator between on-policy and off-policy experiences, and use the learned ratios as the prioritization weights. We apply the proposed approach empirically on Soft Actor Critic (SAC), Double DQN and Data-regularized Q(DrQ), over 12 Atari environments and 6 tasks from the DeepMind control suite. We achieve superior sample complexity on 9 out of 12 Atari environments and 16 out of 24 method-task combinations for DCS compared to the best baselines.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Experience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights %A Samarth Sinha %A Jiaming Song %A Animesh Garg %A Stefano Ermon %B Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2022 %E Roya Firoozi %E Negar Mehr %E Esen Yel %E Rika Antonova %E Jeannette Bohg %E Mac Schwager %E Mykel Kochenderfer %F pmlr-v168-sinha22a %I PMLR %P 110--123 %U https://proceedings.mlr.press/v168/sinha22a.html %V 168 %X The use of past experiences to accelerate temporal difference (TD) learning of value functions, or experience replay, is a key component in deep reinforcement learning methods such as actor-critic.In this work, we propose to re-weight experiences based on their likelihood under the stationary distribution of the current policy, and justify this with a contraction argument over the Bellman evaluation operator. The resulting TD objective encourages small approximation errors on the value function over frequently encountered states. To balance bias (from off-policy experiences) and variance (from on-policy experiences), we use a likelihood-free density ratio estimator between on-policy and off-policy experiences, and use the learned ratios as the prioritization weights. We apply the proposed approach empirically on Soft Actor Critic (SAC), Double DQN and Data-regularized Q(DrQ), over 12 Atari environments and 6 tasks from the DeepMind control suite. We achieve superior sample complexity on 9 out of 12 Atari environments and 16 out of 24 method-task combinations for DCS compared to the best baselines.
Sinha, S., Song, J., Garg, A. & Ermon, S.. (2022). Experience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights. Proceedings of The 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 168:110-123 Available from https://proceedings.mlr.press/v168/sinha22a.html.

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