ASA-CoroNet: Adaptive Self-attention Network for COVID-19 Automated Diagnosis using Chest X-ray Images
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Healthcare AI and COVID-19, ICML 2022, PMLR 184:11-20, 2022.
Computer-assisted imagery analysis based on chest X-ray images plays a crucial role in the clinical diagnosis and screening of COVID-19. However, the radiographic features of chest X-rays are highly complex and irregular in shape. Moreover, the size and location of the lesion regions vary greatly with infection stages and patients, thus dramatically increasing the difficulty of COVID-19 identification. A lightweight adaptive self-attention network is developed to address this problem, namely ASA-CoroNet. It firstly extracts underlying features using a depthwise separable convolution-based backbone, then further identifies lesion regions through an adaptive self-attentive module, and finally utilizes a homogeneous vector capsule layer to map the obtained features into capsule vectors to instantiate detection objects accurately. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and obtains competitive results on limited datasets. More importantly, the trainable params of the proposed model are reduced by 7x compared to the state-of-the-art capsule network. In addition, we also interpret the proposed model using different class activation techniques and confirm the validity of the three components through numerous ablation studies.