BeautifAI - Personalised Occasion-based Makeup Recommendation
Proceedings of The 14th Asian Conference on Machine
Learning, PMLR 189:407-419, 2023.
With the global metamorphosis of the beauty industry
and the rising demand for beauty products worldwide,
the need for a robust makeup recommendation system
has never been more. Despite the significant
advancements made towards personalised makeup
recommendation, the current research still falls
short of incorporating the context of occasion and
integrating feedback for users. In this work, we
propose BeautifAI, a novel recommendation system,
delivering personalised occasion-oriented makeup
recommendations to users. The proposed work’s novel
contributions, including incorporating occasion
context to makeup recommendation and a region-wise
method using neural embeddings, set our system apart
from the current work in makeup recommendation. We
also propose real-time makeup previews and
continuous makeup feedback to provide a more
personalised and interactive experience to users.