Autonomous Myocardial Infarction Detection from Electrocardiogram with a Multi Label Classification Approach
Proceedings of The 14th Asian Conference on Machine
Learning, PMLR 189:911-926, 2023.
Myocardial Infarctions (MI) or heart attacks are
among the most common medical emergencies
globally. Such an episode often has mild or varied
symptoms, making it hard to diagnose and respond in
a timely manner. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is used
to analyze the heart’s electrical activity and,
through this help, clinicians detect and localize a
heart attack. However, interpretation of the ECG is
made manually by trained professionals. In order to
make this diagnosis more efficient, multiple methods
have tried to automate the MI detection and
localization process. In this work, we aim to create
a more effective method of MI detection by
restructuring the localization as a multi-label
classification (MLC) problem, in which one set of
attributes can belong to one or more classes. For
this classification, features like the ST-deviation,
T wave amplitude, and R-S ratios have been extracted
and fed into the MLC model, which in our case, is a
chain classifier of random forest. This proposed
model will have five classes as the target, which
represent the locations where an MI can occur. Our
method achieves the best overall hamming accuracy of
81.49% in a k-fold cross validation test, with the
highest accuracy for an individual class being
97.72% for anterior.