Evaluating the perceived safety of urban city via maximum entropy deep inverse reinforcement learning
Proceedings of The 14th Asian Conference on Machine
Learning, PMLR 189:1085-1100, 2023.
Inspired by expert evaluation policy for urban
perception, we proposed a novel inverse
reinforcement learning (IRL) based framework for
predicting urban safety and recovering the
corresponding reward function. We also presented a
scalable state representation method to model the
prediction problem as a Markov decision process
(MDP) and use reinforcement learning (RL) to solve
the problem. Additionally, we built a dataset called
SmallCity based on the crowdsourcing method to
conduct the research. As far as we know, this is the
first time the IRL approach has been introduced to
the urban safety perception and planning field to
help experts quantitatively analyze perceptual
features. Our results showed that IRL has promising
prospects in this field. We will later open-source
the crowdsourcing data collection site and the model
proposed in this paper.