Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Partial Monitoring

Taira Tsuchiya, Shinji Ito, Junya Honda
Proceedings of The 34th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, PMLR 201:1484-1515, 2023.


This study considers the partial monitoring problem with k-actions and d-outcomes and provides the first best-of-both-worlds algorithms, whose regrets are favorably bounded both in the stochastic and adversarial regimes. In particular, we show that for non-degenerate locally observable games, the regret is O(m2k4log(T)log(kΠT)/Δmin in the stochastic regime and O(m k^{3/2} \sqrt{T \log(T) \log k_{\Pi}}) in the adversarial regime, where T is the number of rounds, m is the maximum number of distinct observations per action, \Delta_{\min} is the minimum suboptimality gap, and k_{\Pi} is the number of Pareto optimal actions. Moreover, we show that for globally observable games, the regret is O(c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T) / \Delta_{\min}^2) in the stochastic regime and O((c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T))^{1/3} T^{2/3}) in the adversarial regime, where c_{\mathcal{G}} is a game-dependent constant. We also provide regret bounds for a stochastic regime with adversarial corruptions. Our algorithms are based on the follow-the-regularized-leader framework and are inspired by the approach of exploration by optimization and the adaptive learning rate in the field of online learning with feedback graphs.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v201-tsuchiya23a, title = {Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Partial Monitoring}, author = {Tsuchiya, Taira and Ito, Shinji and Honda, Junya}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 34th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}, pages = {1484--1515}, year = {2023}, editor = {Agrawal, Shipra and Orabona, Francesco}, volume = {201}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {20 Feb--23 Feb}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {This study considers the partial monitoring problem with $k$-actions and $d$-outcomes and provides the first best-of-both-worlds algorithms, whose regrets are favorably bounded both in the stochastic and adversarial regimes. In particular, we show that for non-degenerate locally observable games, the regret is $O(m^2 k^4 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T) / \Delta_{\min})$ in the stochastic regime and $O(m k^{3/2} \sqrt{T \log(T) \log k_{\Pi}})$ in the adversarial regime, where $T$ is the number of rounds, $m$ is the maximum number of distinct observations per action, $\Delta_{\min}$ is the minimum suboptimality gap, and $k_{\Pi}$ is the number of Pareto optimal actions. Moreover, we show that for globally observable games, the regret is $O(c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T) / \Delta_{\min}^2)$ in the stochastic regime and $O((c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T))^{1/3} T^{2/3})$ in the adversarial regime, where $c_{\mathcal{G}}$ is a game-dependent constant. We also provide regret bounds for a stochastic regime with adversarial corruptions. Our algorithms are based on the follow-the-regularized-leader framework and are inspired by the approach of exploration by optimization and the adaptive learning rate in the field of online learning with feedback graphs.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Partial Monitoring %A Taira Tsuchiya %A Shinji Ito %A Junya Honda %B Proceedings of The 34th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2023 %E Shipra Agrawal %E Francesco Orabona %F pmlr-v201-tsuchiya23a %I PMLR %P 1484--1515 %U %V 201 %X This study considers the partial monitoring problem with $k$-actions and $d$-outcomes and provides the first best-of-both-worlds algorithms, whose regrets are favorably bounded both in the stochastic and adversarial regimes. In particular, we show that for non-degenerate locally observable games, the regret is $O(m^2 k^4 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T) / \Delta_{\min})$ in the stochastic regime and $O(m k^{3/2} \sqrt{T \log(T) \log k_{\Pi}})$ in the adversarial regime, where $T$ is the number of rounds, $m$ is the maximum number of distinct observations per action, $\Delta_{\min}$ is the minimum suboptimality gap, and $k_{\Pi}$ is the number of Pareto optimal actions. Moreover, we show that for globally observable games, the regret is $O(c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T) / \Delta_{\min}^2)$ in the stochastic regime and $O((c_{\mathcal{G}}^2 \log(T) \log(k_{\Pi} T))^{1/3} T^{2/3})$ in the adversarial regime, where $c_{\mathcal{G}}$ is a game-dependent constant. We also provide regret bounds for a stochastic regime with adversarial corruptions. Our algorithms are based on the follow-the-regularized-leader framework and are inspired by the approach of exploration by optimization and the adaptive learning rate in the field of online learning with feedback graphs.
Tsuchiya, T., Ito, S. & Honda, J.. (2023). Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Partial Monitoring. Proceedings of The 34th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 201:1484-1515 Available from

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