The Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform Is Even Faster
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202:9689-9715, 2023.
The Johnson-Lindenstaruss lemma (Johnson & Lindenstrauss, 1984) is a cornerstone result in dimensionality reduction, stating it is possible to embed a set of n points in d-dimensional Euclidean space into optimal k=O(ε−2lnn) dimensions, while preserving all pairwise distances to within a factor (1±ε). The seminal Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss (Fast JL) transform by Ailon and Chazelle (SICOMP’09) supports computing the embedding of a data point in O(dlnd+kln2n) time, where the dlnd term comes from multiplication with a d×d Hadamard matrix and the kln2n term comes from multiplication with a sparse k×d matrix. Despite the Fast JL transform being more than a decade old, it is one of the fastest dimensionality reduction techniques for many tradeoffs between ε,d and n. In this work, we give a surprising new analysis of the Fast JL transform, showing that the kln2n term in the embedding time can be improved to (kln2n)/α for an α=Ω(min. The improvement follows by using an even sparser matrix. We complement our improved analysis with a lower bound showing that our new analysis is in fact tight.