Task-Specific Skill Localization in Fine-tuned Language Models

Abhishek Panigrahi, Nikunj Saunshi, Haoyu Zhao, Sanjeev Arora
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 202:27011-27033, 2023.


Pre-trained language models can be fine-tuned to solve diverse NLP tasks, including in few-shot settings. Thus fine-tuning allows the model to quickly pick up task-specific "skills," but there has been limited study of where these newly-learnt skills reside inside the massive model. This paper introduces the term skill localization for this problem and proposes a solution. Given the downstream task and a model fine-tuned on that task, a simple optimization is used to identify a very small subset of parameters (0.01% of model parameters) responsible for (>95%) of the model’s performance, in the sense that grafting the fine-tuned values for just this tiny subset onto the pre-trained model gives performance almost as well as the fine-tuned model. While reminiscent of recent works on parameter-efficient fine-tuning, the novel aspects here are that: (i) No further retraining is needed on the subset (unlike, say, with lottery tickets). (ii) Notable improvements are seen over vanilla fine-tuning with respect to calibration of predictions in-distribution (40-90% error reduction) as well as quality of predictions out-of-distribution (OOD). In models trained on multiple tasks, a stronger notion of skill localization is observed, where the sparse regions corresponding to different tasks are almost disjoint, and their overlap (when it happens) is a proxy for task similarity. Experiments suggest that localization via grafting can assist certain forms continual learning.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v202-panigrahi23a, title = {Task-Specific Skill Localization in Fine-tuned Language Models}, author = {Panigrahi, Abhishek and Saunshi, Nikunj and Zhao, Haoyu and Arora, Sanjeev}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {27011--27033}, year = {2023}, editor = {Krause, Andreas and Brunskill, Emma and Cho, Kyunghyun and Engelhardt, Barbara and Sabato, Sivan and Scarlett, Jonathan}, volume = {202}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {23--29 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v202/panigrahi23a/panigrahi23a.pdf}, url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v202/panigrahi23a.html}, abstract = {Pre-trained language models can be fine-tuned to solve diverse NLP tasks, including in few-shot settings. Thus fine-tuning allows the model to quickly pick up task-specific "skills," but there has been limited study of where these newly-learnt skills reside inside the massive model. This paper introduces the term skill localization for this problem and proposes a solution. Given the downstream task and a model fine-tuned on that task, a simple optimization is used to identify a very small subset of parameters ($\sim$0.01% of model parameters) responsible for ($>$95%) of the model’s performance, in the sense that grafting the fine-tuned values for just this tiny subset onto the pre-trained model gives performance almost as well as the fine-tuned model. While reminiscent of recent works on parameter-efficient fine-tuning, the novel aspects here are that: (i) No further retraining is needed on the subset (unlike, say, with lottery tickets). (ii) Notable improvements are seen over vanilla fine-tuning with respect to calibration of predictions in-distribution (40-90% error reduction) as well as quality of predictions out-of-distribution (OOD). In models trained on multiple tasks, a stronger notion of skill localization is observed, where the sparse regions corresponding to different tasks are almost disjoint, and their overlap (when it happens) is a proxy for task similarity. Experiments suggest that localization via grafting can assist certain forms continual learning.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Task-Specific Skill Localization in Fine-tuned Language Models %A Abhishek Panigrahi %A Nikunj Saunshi %A Haoyu Zhao %A Sanjeev Arora %B Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2023 %E Andreas Krause %E Emma Brunskill %E Kyunghyun Cho %E Barbara Engelhardt %E Sivan Sabato %E Jonathan Scarlett %F pmlr-v202-panigrahi23a %I PMLR %P 27011--27033 %U https://proceedings.mlr.press/v202/panigrahi23a.html %V 202 %X Pre-trained language models can be fine-tuned to solve diverse NLP tasks, including in few-shot settings. Thus fine-tuning allows the model to quickly pick up task-specific "skills," but there has been limited study of where these newly-learnt skills reside inside the massive model. This paper introduces the term skill localization for this problem and proposes a solution. Given the downstream task and a model fine-tuned on that task, a simple optimization is used to identify a very small subset of parameters ($\sim$0.01% of model parameters) responsible for ($>$95%) of the model’s performance, in the sense that grafting the fine-tuned values for just this tiny subset onto the pre-trained model gives performance almost as well as the fine-tuned model. While reminiscent of recent works on parameter-efficient fine-tuning, the novel aspects here are that: (i) No further retraining is needed on the subset (unlike, say, with lottery tickets). (ii) Notable improvements are seen over vanilla fine-tuning with respect to calibration of predictions in-distribution (40-90% error reduction) as well as quality of predictions out-of-distribution (OOD). In models trained on multiple tasks, a stronger notion of skill localization is observed, where the sparse regions corresponding to different tasks are almost disjoint, and their overlap (when it happens) is a proxy for task similarity. Experiments suggest that localization via grafting can assist certain forms continual learning.
Panigrahi, A., Saunshi, N., Zhao, H. & Arora, S.. (2023). Task-Specific Skill Localization in Fine-tuned Language Models. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 202:27011-27033 Available from https://proceedings.mlr.press/v202/panigrahi23a.html.

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