Double Stochasticity Gazes Faster: Snap-Shot Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Tracking Methods

Hao Di, Haishan Ye, Xiangyu Chang, Guang Dai, Ivor Tsang
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:10765-10791, 2024.


In decentralized optimization, $m$ agents form a network and only communicate with their neighbors, which gives advantages in data ownership, privacy, and scalability. At the same time, decentralized stochastic gradient descent ($\texttt{SGD}$) methods, as popular decentralized algorithms for training large-scale machine learning models, have shown their superiority over centralized counterparts. Distributed stochastic gradient tracking $\texttt{DSGT}$ has been recognized as the popular and state-of-the-art decentralized $\texttt{SGD}$ method due to its proper theoretical guarantees. However, the theoretical analysis of $\texttt{DSGT}$ shows that its iteration complexity is $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} \left(\frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu(1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2} C_W \sqrt{\varepsilon} }\right)$, where the doubly stochastic matrix $W$ represents the network topology and $ C_W $ is a parameter that depends on $W$. Thus, it indicates that the convergence property of $\texttt{DSGT}$ is heavily affected by the topology of the communication network. To overcome the weakness of $\texttt{DSGT}$, we resort to the snap-shot gradient tracking skill and propose two novel algorithms, snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{SS-DSGT}$) and accelerated snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$). We further justify that $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$ exhibits a lower iteration complexity compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$ in the general communication network topology. Additionally, $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ matches $\texttt{DSGT}$’s iteration complexity $\mathcal{O}\left( \frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu (1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2}\sqrt{\varepsilon}} \right)$ under the same conditions as $\texttt{DSGT}$. Numerical experiments validate $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$’s superior performance performance in the general communication network topology and exhibit better practical performance of $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ on the specified $W$ compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v235-di24a, title = {Double Stochasticity Gazes Faster: Snap-Shot Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Tracking Methods}, author = {Di, Hao and Ye, Haishan and Chang, Xiangyu and Dai, Guang and Tsang, Ivor}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {10765--10791}, year = {2024}, editor = {Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Kolter, Zico and Heller, Katherine and Weller, Adrian and Oliver, Nuria and Scarlett, Jonathan and Berkenkamp, Felix}, volume = {235}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {21--27 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {In decentralized optimization, $m$ agents form a network and only communicate with their neighbors, which gives advantages in data ownership, privacy, and scalability. At the same time, decentralized stochastic gradient descent ($\texttt{SGD}$) methods, as popular decentralized algorithms for training large-scale machine learning models, have shown their superiority over centralized counterparts. Distributed stochastic gradient tracking $\texttt{DSGT}$ has been recognized as the popular and state-of-the-art decentralized $\texttt{SGD}$ method due to its proper theoretical guarantees. However, the theoretical analysis of $\texttt{DSGT}$ shows that its iteration complexity is $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} \left(\frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu(1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2} C_W \sqrt{\varepsilon} }\right)$, where the doubly stochastic matrix $W$ represents the network topology and $ C_W $ is a parameter that depends on $W$. Thus, it indicates that the convergence property of $\texttt{DSGT}$ is heavily affected by the topology of the communication network. To overcome the weakness of $\texttt{DSGT}$, we resort to the snap-shot gradient tracking skill and propose two novel algorithms, snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{SS-DSGT}$) and accelerated snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$). We further justify that $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$ exhibits a lower iteration complexity compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$ in the general communication network topology. Additionally, $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ matches $\texttt{DSGT}$’s iteration complexity $\mathcal{O}\left( \frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu (1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2}\sqrt{\varepsilon}} \right)$ under the same conditions as $\texttt{DSGT}$. Numerical experiments validate $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$’s superior performance performance in the general communication network topology and exhibit better practical performance of $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ on the specified $W$ compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Double Stochasticity Gazes Faster: Snap-Shot Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Tracking Methods %A Hao Di %A Haishan Ye %A Xiangyu Chang %A Guang Dai %A Ivor Tsang %B Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2024 %E Ruslan Salakhutdinov %E Zico Kolter %E Katherine Heller %E Adrian Weller %E Nuria Oliver %E Jonathan Scarlett %E Felix Berkenkamp %F pmlr-v235-di24a %I PMLR %P 10765--10791 %U %V 235 %X In decentralized optimization, $m$ agents form a network and only communicate with their neighbors, which gives advantages in data ownership, privacy, and scalability. At the same time, decentralized stochastic gradient descent ($\texttt{SGD}$) methods, as popular decentralized algorithms for training large-scale machine learning models, have shown their superiority over centralized counterparts. Distributed stochastic gradient tracking $\texttt{DSGT}$ has been recognized as the popular and state-of-the-art decentralized $\texttt{SGD}$ method due to its proper theoretical guarantees. However, the theoretical analysis of $\texttt{DSGT}$ shows that its iteration complexity is $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} \left(\frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu(1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2} C_W \sqrt{\varepsilon} }\right)$, where the doubly stochastic matrix $W$ represents the network topology and $ C_W $ is a parameter that depends on $W$. Thus, it indicates that the convergence property of $\texttt{DSGT}$ is heavily affected by the topology of the communication network. To overcome the weakness of $\texttt{DSGT}$, we resort to the snap-shot gradient tracking skill and propose two novel algorithms, snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{SS-DSGT}$) and accelerated snap-shot $\texttt{DSGT}$ ($\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$). We further justify that $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$ exhibits a lower iteration complexity compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$ in the general communication network topology. Additionally, $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ matches $\texttt{DSGT}$’s iteration complexity $\mathcal{O}\left( \frac{\bar{\sigma}^2}{m\mu \varepsilon} + \frac{\sqrt{L}\bar{\sigma}}{\mu (1 - \lambda_2(W))^{1/2}\sqrt{\varepsilon}} \right)$ under the same conditions as $\texttt{DSGT}$. Numerical experiments validate $\texttt{SS-DSGT}$’s superior performance performance in the general communication network topology and exhibit better practical performance of $\texttt{ASS-DSGT}$ on the specified $W$ compared to $\texttt{DSGT}$.
Di, H., Ye, H., Chang, X., Dai, G. & Tsang, I.. (2024). Double Stochasticity Gazes Faster: Snap-Shot Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Tracking Methods. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 235:10765-10791 Available from

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