High-Dimensional Geometric Streaming for Nearly Low Rank Data

Hossein Esfandiari, Praneeth Kacham, Vahab Mirrokni, David Woodruff, Peilin Zhong
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:12588-12605, 2024.


We study streaming algorithms for the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem. Given points $a_1, \ldots, a_n$ as an insertion-only stream and a rank parameter $k$, the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem is to find a $k$-dimensional subspace $V$ such that $(\sum_{i=1}^n d(a_i, V)^p)^{1/p}$ is minimized, where $d(a, V)$ denotes the Euclidean distance between $a$ and $V$ defined as $\min_{v \in V} ||a - v||$. When $p = \infty$, we need to find a subspace $V$ that minimizes $\max_i d(a_i, V)$. For $\ell_{\infty}$ subspace approximation, we give a deterministic strong coreset construction algorithm and show that it can be used to compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximate solution. We show that the distortion obtained by our coreset is nearly tight for any sublinear space algorithm. For $\ell_p$ subspace approximation, we show that suitably scaling the points and then using our $\ell_{\infty}$ coreset construction, we can compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximation. Our algorithms are easy to implement and run very fast on large datasets. We also use our strong coreset construction to improve the results in a recent work of Woodruff and Yasuda (FOCS 2022) which gives streaming algorithms for high-dimensional geometric problems such as width estimation, convex hull estimation, and volume estimation.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v235-esfandiari24a, title = {High-Dimensional Geometric Streaming for Nearly Low Rank Data}, author = {Esfandiari, Hossein and Kacham, Praneeth and Mirrokni, Vahab and Woodruff, David and Zhong, Peilin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages = {12588--12605}, year = {2024}, editor = {Salakhutdinov, Ruslan and Kolter, Zico and Heller, Katherine and Weller, Adrian and Oliver, Nuria and Scarlett, Jonathan and Berkenkamp, Felix}, volume = {235}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {21--27 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlresearch/v235/main/assets/esfandiari24a/esfandiari24a.pdf}, url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v235/esfandiari24a.html}, abstract = {We study streaming algorithms for the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem. Given points $a_1, \ldots, a_n$ as an insertion-only stream and a rank parameter $k$, the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem is to find a $k$-dimensional subspace $V$ such that $(\sum_{i=1}^n d(a_i, V)^p)^{1/p}$ is minimized, where $d(a, V)$ denotes the Euclidean distance between $a$ and $V$ defined as $\min_{v \in V} ||a - v||$. When $p = \infty$, we need to find a subspace $V$ that minimizes $\max_i d(a_i, V)$. For $\ell_{\infty}$ subspace approximation, we give a deterministic strong coreset construction algorithm and show that it can be used to compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximate solution. We show that the distortion obtained by our coreset is nearly tight for any sublinear space algorithm. For $\ell_p$ subspace approximation, we show that suitably scaling the points and then using our $\ell_{\infty}$ coreset construction, we can compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximation. Our algorithms are easy to implement and run very fast on large datasets. We also use our strong coreset construction to improve the results in a recent work of Woodruff and Yasuda (FOCS 2022) which gives streaming algorithms for high-dimensional geometric problems such as width estimation, convex hull estimation, and volume estimation.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T High-Dimensional Geometric Streaming for Nearly Low Rank Data %A Hossein Esfandiari %A Praneeth Kacham %A Vahab Mirrokni %A David Woodruff %A Peilin Zhong %B Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2024 %E Ruslan Salakhutdinov %E Zico Kolter %E Katherine Heller %E Adrian Weller %E Nuria Oliver %E Jonathan Scarlett %E Felix Berkenkamp %F pmlr-v235-esfandiari24a %I PMLR %P 12588--12605 %U https://proceedings.mlr.press/v235/esfandiari24a.html %V 235 %X We study streaming algorithms for the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem. Given points $a_1, \ldots, a_n$ as an insertion-only stream and a rank parameter $k$, the $\ell_p$ subspace approximation problem is to find a $k$-dimensional subspace $V$ such that $(\sum_{i=1}^n d(a_i, V)^p)^{1/p}$ is minimized, where $d(a, V)$ denotes the Euclidean distance between $a$ and $V$ defined as $\min_{v \in V} ||a - v||$. When $p = \infty$, we need to find a subspace $V$ that minimizes $\max_i d(a_i, V)$. For $\ell_{\infty}$ subspace approximation, we give a deterministic strong coreset construction algorithm and show that it can be used to compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximate solution. We show that the distortion obtained by our coreset is nearly tight for any sublinear space algorithm. For $\ell_p$ subspace approximation, we show that suitably scaling the points and then using our $\ell_{\infty}$ coreset construction, we can compute a $\mathrm{poly}(k, \log n)$ approximation. Our algorithms are easy to implement and run very fast on large datasets. We also use our strong coreset construction to improve the results in a recent work of Woodruff and Yasuda (FOCS 2022) which gives streaming algorithms for high-dimensional geometric problems such as width estimation, convex hull estimation, and volume estimation.
Esfandiari, H., Kacham, P., Mirrokni, V., Woodruff, D. & Zhong, P.. (2024). High-Dimensional Geometric Streaming for Nearly Low Rank Data. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 235:12588-12605 Available from https://proceedings.mlr.press/v235/esfandiari24a.html.

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