Design of observer-based finite-time control for inductively coupled power transfer system with random gain fluctuations
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference, PMLR 242:866-875, 2024.
This investigation focuses on the issues of finite-time stochastic stabilisation and non fragile control design for inductively coupled power transfer systems (ICPTSs) in the presence of stochastic disturbances. Primarily, the observer system exploits the information obtained from the output of the ICPTSs to accurately reconstruct the states of the ICPTS. The observer-based non fragile control is put forward by including the estimated states of the system and gain fluctuations, which assist in achieving the desired finite-time stochastic stabilisation of the addressed system. Furthermore, via the use of Lyapunov stability theory and Ito’s formula, conditions based on linear matrix inequalities are derived, which serve as adequate criteria for affirming the desired results. In conclusion, the results of the simulation that have been offered provide evidence that the proposed theoretical outcomes and control system are viable propositions.