CSS: Contrastive Semantic Similarities for Uncertainty Quantification of LLMs

Shuang Ao, Stefan Rueger, Advaith Siddharthan
Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, PMLR 244:77-87, 2024.


Despite the impressive capability of large language models (LLMs), knowing when to trust their generations remains an open challenge. The recent literature on uncertainty quantification of natural language generation (NLG) utilizes a conventional natural language inference (NLI) classifier to measure the semantic dispersion of LLMs responses. These studies employ logits of NLI classifier for semantic clustering to estimate uncertainty. However, logits represent the probability of the predicted class and barely contain feature information for potential clustering. Alternatively, CLIP (Contrastive Language{–}Image Pre-training) performs impressively in extracting image-text pair features and measuring their similarity. To extend its usability, we propose Contrastive Semantic Similarity, the CLIP-based feature extraction module to obtain similarity features for measuring uncertainty for text pairs. We apply this method to selective NLG, which detects and rejects unreliable generations for better trustworthiness of LLMs. We conduct extensive experiments with three LLMs on several benchmark question-answering datasets with comprehensive evaluation metrics. Results show that our proposed method performs better in estimating reliable responses of LLMs than comparable baselines.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v244-ao24a, title = {CSS: Contrastive Semantic Similarities for Uncertainty Quantification of LLMs}, author = {Ao, Shuang and Rueger, Stefan and Siddharthan, Advaith}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence}, pages = {77--87}, year = {2024}, editor = {Kiyavash, Negar and Mooij, Joris M.}, volume = {244}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {15--19 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlresearch/v244/main/assets/ao24a/ao24a.pdf}, url = {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v244/ao24a.html}, abstract = {Despite the impressive capability of large language models (LLMs), knowing when to trust their generations remains an open challenge. The recent literature on uncertainty quantification of natural language generation (NLG) utilizes a conventional natural language inference (NLI) classifier to measure the semantic dispersion of LLMs responses. These studies employ logits of NLI classifier for semantic clustering to estimate uncertainty. However, logits represent the probability of the predicted class and barely contain feature information for potential clustering. Alternatively, CLIP (Contrastive Language{–}Image Pre-training) performs impressively in extracting image-text pair features and measuring their similarity. To extend its usability, we propose Contrastive Semantic Similarity, the CLIP-based feature extraction module to obtain similarity features for measuring uncertainty for text pairs. We apply this method to selective NLG, which detects and rejects unreliable generations for better trustworthiness of LLMs. We conduct extensive experiments with three LLMs on several benchmark question-answering datasets with comprehensive evaluation metrics. Results show that our proposed method performs better in estimating reliable responses of LLMs than comparable baselines.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T CSS: Contrastive Semantic Similarities for Uncertainty Quantification of LLMs %A Shuang Ao %A Stefan Rueger %A Advaith Siddharthan %B Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2024 %E Negar Kiyavash %E Joris M. Mooij %F pmlr-v244-ao24a %I PMLR %P 77--87 %U https://proceedings.mlr.press/v244/ao24a.html %V 244 %X Despite the impressive capability of large language models (LLMs), knowing when to trust their generations remains an open challenge. The recent literature on uncertainty quantification of natural language generation (NLG) utilizes a conventional natural language inference (NLI) classifier to measure the semantic dispersion of LLMs responses. These studies employ logits of NLI classifier for semantic clustering to estimate uncertainty. However, logits represent the probability of the predicted class and barely contain feature information for potential clustering. Alternatively, CLIP (Contrastive Language{–}Image Pre-training) performs impressively in extracting image-text pair features and measuring their similarity. To extend its usability, we propose Contrastive Semantic Similarity, the CLIP-based feature extraction module to obtain similarity features for measuring uncertainty for text pairs. We apply this method to selective NLG, which detects and rejects unreliable generations for better trustworthiness of LLMs. We conduct extensive experiments with three LLMs on several benchmark question-answering datasets with comprehensive evaluation metrics. Results show that our proposed method performs better in estimating reliable responses of LLMs than comparable baselines.
Ao, S., Rueger, S. & Siddharthan, A.. (2024). CSS: Contrastive Semantic Similarities for Uncertainty Quantification of LLMs. Proceedings of the Fortieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 244:77-87 Available from https://proceedings.mlr.press/v244/ao24a.html.

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