Adversarially-Robust Inference on Trees via Belief Propagation
Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 247:2389-2417, 2024.
We introduce and study the problem of posterior inference on tree-structured graphical models in the presence of a malicious adversary who can corrupt some observed nodes. In the well-studied \emph{broadcasting on trees} model, corresponding to the ferromagnetic Ising model on a d-regular tree with zero external field, when a natural signal-to-noise ratio exceeds one (the celebrated \emph{Kesten-Stigum threshold}), the posterior distribution of the root given the leaves is bounded away from Ber(1/2), and carries nontrivial information about the sign of the root. This posterior distribution can be computed exactly via dynamic programming, also known as belief propagation. We first confirm a folklore belief that a malicious adversary who can corrupt an inverse-polynomial fraction of the leaves of their choosing makes this inference impossible. Our main result is that accurate posterior inference about the root vertex given the leaves \emph{is} possible when the adversary is constrained to make corruptions at a ρ-fraction of randomly-chosen leaf vertices, so long as the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds O(logd) and ρ≤cε for some universal c>0. Since inference becomes information-theoretically impossible when ρ≫ε, this amounts to an information-theoretically optimal fraction of corruptions, up to a constant multiplicative factor. Furthermore, we show that the canonical belief propagation algorithm performs this inference.