
Volume 256: International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, 9-12 September 2024, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France


Editors: Katharina Eggensperger, Roman Garnett, Joaquin Vanschoren, Marius Lindauer, Jacob R. Gardner


Is Mamba Capable of In-Context Learning?

Riccardo Grazzi, Julien Niklas Siems, Simon Schrodi, Thomas Brox, Frank Hutter; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:1/1-26

HPOD: Hyperparameter Optimization for Unsupervised Outlier Detection

Yue Zhao, Leman Akoglu; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:2/1-24

Speeding up NAS with Adaptive Subset Selection

Vishak Prasad C, Colin White, Sibasis Nayak, Paarth Jain, Aziz Shameem, Prateek Garg, Ganesh Ramakrishnan; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:3/1-23

Confidence Interval Estimation of Predictive Performance in the Context of AutoML

Konstantinos Paraschakis, Andrea Castellani, Giorgos Borboudakis, Ioannis Tsamardinos; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:4/1-14

Analyzing Few-Shot Neural Architecture Search in a Metric-Driven Framework

Timotée Ly-Manson, Mathieu Léonardon, Abdeldjalil Aissa El Bey, Ghouthi Boukli Hacene, Lukas Mauch; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:5/1-33

FLIQS: One-Shot Mixed-Precision Floating-Point and Integer Quantization Search

Jordan Dotzel, Gang Wu, Andrew Li, Muhammad Umar, Yun Ni, Mohamed S Abdelfattah, Zhiru Zhang, Liqun Cheng, Martin G Dixon, Norman P Jouppi, Quoc V Le, Sheng Li; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:6/1-26

Improving Transfer Learning by means of Ensemble Learning and Swarm Intelligence-based Neuroevolution

Adri Gómez, Monica Abella, Manuel Desco; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:7/1-25

Sequence Alignment-based Similarity Metric in Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search

Mateo Avila Pava, René Groh, Andreas M Kist; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:8/1-21

Don’t Waste Your Time: Early Stopping Cross-Validation

Edward Bergman, Lennart Purucker, Frank Hutter; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:9/1-31

Bi-Level One-Shot Architecture Search for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

Jonas Seng, Fabian Kalter, Zhongjie Yu, Fabrizio Ventola, Kristian Kersting; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:10/1-20

ASML: A Scalable and Efficient AutoML Solution for Data Streams

Nilesh Verma, Albert Bifet, Bernhard Pfahringer, Maroua Bahri; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:11/1-26

Weight-Entanglement Meets Gradient-Based Neural Architecture Search

Rhea Sanjay Sukthanker, Arjun Krishnakumar, Mahmoud Safari, Frank Hutter; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:12/1-25

Training and Cross-Validating Machine Learning Pipelines with Limited Memory

Martin Hirzel, Kiran Kate, Louis Mandel, Avraham Shinnar; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:13/1-25

Fast Benchmarking of Asynchronous Multi-Fidelity Optimization on Zero-Cost Benchmarks

Shuhei Watanabe, Neeratyoy Mallik, Edward Bergman, Frank Hutter; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:14/1-18

AutoGluon-Multimodal (AutoMM): Supercharging Multimodal AutoML with Foundation Models

Zhiqiang Tang, Haoyang Fang, Su Zhou, Taojiannan Yang, Zihan Zhong, Cuixiong Hu, Katrin Kirchhoff, George Karypis; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:15/1-35

Automated Deep Learning for load forecasting

Julie Keisler, Sandra Claudel, Gilles Cabriel, Margaux Brégère; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:16/1-28

Introducing HoNCAML: Holistic No-Code Auto Machine Learning

Luca Piras, Joan Albert Erráez Castelltort, Jordi Casals Grifell, Xavier de Juan Pulido, Cirus Iniesta, Marina Rosell Murillo, Cristina Soler Arenys; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:17/1-27

HPO-RL-Bench: A Zero-Cost Benchmark for HPO in Reinforcement Learning

Gresa Shala, Sebastian Pineda Arango, André Biedenkapp, Frank Hutter, Josif Grabocka; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:18/1-31

TabRepo: A Large Scale Repository of Tabular Model Evaluations and its AutoML Applications

David Salinas, Nick Erickson; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning, PMLR 256:19/1-30

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