Near-Optimal Rates for O(1)-Smooth DP-SCO with a Single Epoch and Large Batches

Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Arun Ganesh, Abhradeep Guha Thakurta
Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, PMLR 272:315-348, 2025.


In this paper we revisit the DP stochastic convex optimization (SCO) problem. For convex smooth losses, it is well-known that the canonical DP-SGD (stochastic gradient descent) achieves the optimal rate of O(LRn+LRplog(1/δ)ϵn) under (ϵ,δ)-DP (Bassily et al. 2014), and also well-known that variants of DP-SGD can achieve the optimal rate in a single epoch (Feldman et al. 2019). However, the batch gradient complexity (i.e., number of adaptive optimization steps), which is important in applications like federated learning, is less well-understood. In particular, all prior work on DP-SCO requires Ω(n) batch gradient steps, multiple epochs, or convexity for privacy. We propose an algorithm, Accelerated-DP-SRGD (stochastic recursive gradient descent), which bypasses the limitations of past work: it achieves the optimal rate for DP-SCO (up to polylog factors), in a single epoch using n batch gradient steps with batch size n, and can be made private for arbitrary (non-convex) losses via clipping. If the global minimizer is in the constraint set, we can further improve this to n1/4 batch gradient steps with batch size n3/4. To achieve this, our algorithm combines three key ingredients, a variant of stochastic recursive gradients (SRG), accelerated gradient descent, and correlated noise generation from DP continual counting.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v272-choquette-choo25a, title = {Near-Optimal Rates for O(1)-Smooth DP-SCO with a Single Epoch and Large Batches}, author = {Choquette-Choo, Christopher A. and Ganesh, Arun and Thakurta, Abhradeep Guha}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory}, pages = {315--348}, year = {2025}, editor = {Kamath, Gautam and Loh, Po-Ling}, volume = {272}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {24--27 Feb}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {In this paper we revisit the DP stochastic convex optimization (SCO) problem. For convex smooth losses, it is well-known that the canonical DP-SGD (stochastic gradient descent) achieves the optimal rate of $O\left(\frac{LR}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{LR \sqrt{p \log(1/\delta)}}{\epsilon n}\right)$ under $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP (Bassily et al. 2014), and also well-known that variants of DP-SGD can achieve the optimal rate in a single epoch (Feldman et al. 2019). However, the batch gradient complexity (i.e., number of adaptive optimization steps), which is important in applications like federated learning, is less well-understood. In particular, all prior work on DP-SCO requires $\Omega(n)$ batch gradient steps, multiple epochs, or convexity for privacy. We propose an algorithm, Accelerated-DP-SRGD (stochastic recursive gradient descent), which bypasses the limitations of past work: it achieves the optimal rate for DP-SCO (up to polylog factors), in a single epoch using $\sqrt{n}$ batch gradient steps with batch size $\sqrt{n}$, and can be made private for arbitrary (non-convex) losses via clipping. If the global minimizer is in the constraint set, we can further improve this to $n^{1/4}$ batch gradient steps with batch size $n^{3/4}$. To achieve this, our algorithm combines three key ingredients, a variant of stochastic recursive gradients (SRG), accelerated gradient descent, and correlated noise generation from DP continual counting.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Near-Optimal Rates for O(1)-Smooth DP-SCO with a Single Epoch and Large Batches %A Christopher A. Choquette-Choo %A Arun Ganesh %A Abhradeep Guha Thakurta %B Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2025 %E Gautam Kamath %E Po-Ling Loh %F pmlr-v272-choquette-choo25a %I PMLR %P 315--348 %U %V 272 %X In this paper we revisit the DP stochastic convex optimization (SCO) problem. For convex smooth losses, it is well-known that the canonical DP-SGD (stochastic gradient descent) achieves the optimal rate of $O\left(\frac{LR}{\sqrt{n}} + \frac{LR \sqrt{p \log(1/\delta)}}{\epsilon n}\right)$ under $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP (Bassily et al. 2014), and also well-known that variants of DP-SGD can achieve the optimal rate in a single epoch (Feldman et al. 2019). However, the batch gradient complexity (i.e., number of adaptive optimization steps), which is important in applications like federated learning, is less well-understood. In particular, all prior work on DP-SCO requires $\Omega(n)$ batch gradient steps, multiple epochs, or convexity for privacy. We propose an algorithm, Accelerated-DP-SRGD (stochastic recursive gradient descent), which bypasses the limitations of past work: it achieves the optimal rate for DP-SCO (up to polylog factors), in a single epoch using $\sqrt{n}$ batch gradient steps with batch size $\sqrt{n}$, and can be made private for arbitrary (non-convex) losses via clipping. If the global minimizer is in the constraint set, we can further improve this to $n^{1/4}$ batch gradient steps with batch size $n^{3/4}$. To achieve this, our algorithm combines three key ingredients, a variant of stochastic recursive gradients (SRG), accelerated gradient descent, and correlated noise generation from DP continual counting.
Choquette-Choo, C.A., Ganesh, A. & Thakurta, A.G.. (2025). Near-Optimal Rates for O(1)-Smooth DP-SCO with a Single Epoch and Large Batches. Proceedings of The 36th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 272:315-348 Available from

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