Application of Additive Groves Ensemble with Multiple Counts Feature Evaluation to KDD Cup'09 Small Data Set
Proceedings of KDD-Cup 2009 Competition, PMLR 7:101-109, 2009.
This paper describes a field trial for a recently developed ensemble called Additive Groves on KDD Cup'09 competition. Additive Groves were applied to three tasks provided at the competition using the 'small' data set. On one of the three tasks, appetency, we achieved the best result among participants who similarly worked with the small dataset only. Postcompetition analysis showed that less successfull result on another task, churn, was partially due to insufficient preprocessing of nominal attributes. Code for Additive Groves is publicly available as a part of TreeExtra package. Another part of this package provides an important preprocessing technique also used for this competition entry, feature evaluation through bagging with multiple counts.