Inductive Conformal Martingales for Change-Point Detection
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction and Applications, PMLR 60:132-153, 2017.
We consider the problem of quickest change-point detection in data streams.
Classical change-point detection procedures, such as CUSUM, Shiryaev-Roberts and Posterior Probability statistics,
are optimal only if the change-point model is known, which is an unrealistic assumption in typical applied problems.
Instead we propose a new method for change-point detection based on Inductive Conformal Martingales,
which requires only the independence and identical distribution of observations.
We compare the proposed approach to standard methods,
as well as to change-point detection oracles, which model a typical practical situation
when we have only imprecise (albeit parametric) information about pre- and post-change data distributions.
Results of comparison provide evidence that change-point detection based on Inductive Conformal Martingales is an efficient tool,
capable to work under quite general conditions unlike traditional approaches.