Two-way kernel matrix puncturing: towards resource-efficient PCA and spectral clustering
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139:2156-2165, 2021.
The article introduces an elementary cost and storage reduction method for spectral clustering and principal component analysis. The method consists in randomly “puncturing” both the data matrix X∈Cp×n (or Rp×n) and its corresponding kernel (Gram) matrix K through Bernoulli masks: S∈{0,1}p×n for X and B∈{0,1}n×n for K. The resulting “two-way punctured” kernel is thus given by K=1p[(X⊙S)\H(X⊙S)]⊙B. We demonstrate that, for X composed of independent columns drawn from a Gaussian mixture model, as n,p→∞ with p/n→c0∈(0,∞), the spectral behavior of K – its limiting eigenvalue distribution, as well as its isolated eigenvalues and eigenvectors – is fully tractable and exhibits a series of counter-intuitive phenomena. We notably prove, and empirically confirm on various image databases, that it is possible to drastically puncture the data, thereby providing possibly huge computational and storage gains, for a virtually constant (clustering or PCA) performance. This preliminary study opens as such the path towards rethinking, from a large dimensional standpoint, computational and storage costs in elementary machine learning models.