Gap-Dependent Unsupervised Exploration for Reinforcement Learning
Proceedings of The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 151:4109-4131, 2022.
For the problem of task-agnostic reinforcement learning (RL), an agent first collects samples from an unknown environment without the supervision of reward signals, then is revealed with a reward and is asked to compute a corresponding near-optimal policy. Existing approaches mainly concern the worst-case scenarios, in which no structural information of the reward/transition-dynamics is utilized. Therefore the best sample upper bound is ∝˜O(1/ϵ2), where ϵ>0 is the target accuracy of the obtained policy, and can be overly pessimistic. To tackle this issue, we provide an efficient algorithm that utilizes a gap parameter, ρ>0, to reduce the amount of exploration. In particular, for an unknown finite-horizon Markov decision process, the algorithm takes only ˜O(1/ϵ⋅(H3SA/ρ+H4S2A)) episodes of exploration, and is able to obtain an ϵ-optimal policy for a post-revealed reward with sub-optimality gap at least ρ, where S is the number of states, A is the number of actions, and H is the length of the horizon, obtaining a nearly quadratic saving in terms of ϵ. We show that, information-theoretically, this bound is nearly tight for ρ<Θ(1/(HS)) and H>1. We further show that ∝˜O(1) sample bound is possible for H=1 (i.e., multi-armed bandit) or with a sampling simulator, establishing a stark separation between those settings and the RL setting.