On the power of adaptivity in statistical adversaries
Proceedings of Thirty Fifth Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 178:5030-5061, 2022.
We initiate the study of a fundamental question concerning adversarial noise models in statistical problems where the algorithm receives i.i.d. draws from a distribution D. The definitions of these adversaries specify the {\sl type} of allowable corruptions (noise model) as well as {\sl when} these corruptions can be made (adaptivity); the latter differentiates between oblivious adversaries that can only corrupt the distribution D and adaptive adversaries that can have their corruptions depend on the specific sample S that is drawn from D. We investigate whether oblivious adversaries are effectively equivalent to adaptive adversaries, across all noise models studied in the literature, under a unifying framework that we introduce. Specifically, can the behavior of an algorithm A in the presence of oblivious adversaries always be well-approximated by that of an algorithm A′ in the presence of adaptive adversaries? Our first result shows that this is indeed the case for the broad class of {\sl statistical query} algorithms, under all reasonable noise models. We then show that in the specific case of {\sl additive noise}, this equivalence holds for {\sl all} algorithms. Finally, we map out an approach towards proving this statement in its fullest generality, for all algorithms and under all reasonable noise models.