Analysis of Langevin Monte Carlo from Poincare to Log-Sobolev
Proceedings of Thirty Fifth Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 178:1-2, 2022.
Classically, the continuous-time Langevin diffusion converges exponentially fast to its stationary distribution π under the sole assumption that π satisfies a Poincaré inequality. Using this fact to provide guarantees for the discrete-time Langevin Monte Carlo (LMC) algorithm, however, is considerably more challenging due to the need for working with chi-squared or Rényi divergences, and prior works have largely focused on strongly log-concave targets. In this work, we provide the first convergence guarantees for LMC assuming that π satisfies either a Latał{}a–Oleszkiewicz or modified log-Sobolev inequality, which interpolates between the Poincaré and log-Sobolev settings. Unlike prior works, our results allow for weak smoothness and do not require convexity or dissipativity conditions.