Online Nonconvex Optimization with Limited Instantaneous Oracle Feedback
Proceedings of Thirty Sixth Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 195:3328-3355, 2023.
We investigate online nonconvex optimization from a local regret minimization perspective. Previous studies along this line implicitly required the access to sufficient gradient oracles at each time instance in order to design double-loop algorithms. In this work, we focus on more challenging but practical settings where only limited number of oracles are available in online nonconvex optimization, including window-smoothed single gradient oracle (Window-SGO), single function value oracle (Window-SVO) and multiple function value oracles (Window-MVO). Specifically, in the Window-SGO setting which allows only single-loop algorithm design, we derive a local regret lower bound, which indicates that single-loop algorithms are provably worse than double-loop algorithms. Further, the simple classical OGD algorithm achieves the window-unconditioned lower bound. Moreover, in the Window-SVO setting, we propose a novel single-loop online algorithm named SkipOGD, and show that it achieves a near-optimal local regret that matches the Window-SGO regret lower bound up to a factor of the dimension d due to the function value feedback. Lastly, in the Window-MVO setting, we propose a new double-loop online algorithm named LoopOGD and show that it achieves a smooth trade-off between regret minimization and sample complexity over the number of oracle calls K per time instance. In particular, with K=1 and wd, LoopOGD respectively achieves our regret lower bound with Window-SGO (up to the factor d due to function value feedback) and the existing regret lower bound with multiple gradient oracle feedback.