Open Problem: Tight Characterization of Instance-Optimal Identity Testing

Clément Canonne
Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory, PMLR 247:5312-5316, 2024.


In the “instance-optimal” identity testing introduced by Valiant and Valiant (2014), one is given the (succinct) description of a discrete probability distribution q, as well as a a parameter ε(0,1] and i.i.d. samples from an (unknown, arbitrary) discrete distribution p. The goal is to distinguish with high probability between the cases (i) p=q and (ii) TV(p,q)>ε, using the minimum number of samples possible as a function of (some simple functional of) q and ε. This is in contrast with the standard formulation of identity testing, where the sample complexity is taken as worst-case over all possible reference distributions q. Valiant and Valiant provided upper and lower bounds on this question, where the sample complexity is expressed in terms of the “2/3 norm” of some (truncated version) of the reference distribution q. However, these upper and lower bounds do not always match up to constant factors, and can differ by an arbitrary multiplicative gap for some choices of q. The question then is: what is the tight characterization of the sample complexity of instance-optimal identity testing? What is the “right” functional Φ(q) for it?

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v247-canonne24a, title = {Open Problem: Tight Characterization of Instance-Optimal Identity Testing}, author = {Canonne, Cl\'ement}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory}, pages = {5312--5316}, year = {2024}, editor = {Agrawal, Shipra and Roth, Aaron}, volume = {247}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {30 Jun--03 Jul}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {In the “instance-optimal” identity testing introduced by Valiant and Valiant (2014), one is given the (succinct) description of a discrete probability distribution $q$, as well as a a parameter $\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and i.i.d. samples from an (unknown, arbitrary) discrete distribution $p$. The goal is to distinguish with high probability between the cases (i) $p=q$ and (ii) $\textrm{TV}(p,q) > \varepsilon$, using the minimum number of samples possible as a function of (some simple functional of) $q$ and $\varepsilon$. This is in contrast with the standard formulation of identity testing, where the sample complexity is taken as worst-case over all possible reference distributions $q$. Valiant and Valiant provided upper and lower bounds on this question, where the sample complexity is expressed in terms of the “$\ell_{2/3}$ norm” of some (truncated version) of the reference distribution $q$. However, these upper and lower bounds do not always match up to constant factors, and can differ by an arbitrary multiplicative gap for some choices of $q$. The question then is: what is the tight characterization of the sample complexity of instance-optimal identity testing? What is the “right” functional $\Phi(q)$ for it? } }
%0 Conference Paper %T Open Problem: Tight Characterization of Instance-Optimal Identity Testing %A Clément Canonne %B Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2024 %E Shipra Agrawal %E Aaron Roth %F pmlr-v247-canonne24a %I PMLR %P 5312--5316 %U %V 247 %X In the “instance-optimal” identity testing introduced by Valiant and Valiant (2014), one is given the (succinct) description of a discrete probability distribution $q$, as well as a a parameter $\varepsilon\in(0,1]$ and i.i.d. samples from an (unknown, arbitrary) discrete distribution $p$. The goal is to distinguish with high probability between the cases (i) $p=q$ and (ii) $\textrm{TV}(p,q) > \varepsilon$, using the minimum number of samples possible as a function of (some simple functional of) $q$ and $\varepsilon$. This is in contrast with the standard formulation of identity testing, where the sample complexity is taken as worst-case over all possible reference distributions $q$. Valiant and Valiant provided upper and lower bounds on this question, where the sample complexity is expressed in terms of the “$\ell_{2/3}$ norm” of some (truncated version) of the reference distribution $q$. However, these upper and lower bounds do not always match up to constant factors, and can differ by an arbitrary multiplicative gap for some choices of $q$. The question then is: what is the tight characterization of the sample complexity of instance-optimal identity testing? What is the “right” functional $\Phi(q)$ for it?
Canonne, C.. (2024). Open Problem: Tight Characterization of Instance-Optimal Identity Testing. Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 247:5312-5316 Available from

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