Discover Local Causal Network around a Target to a Given Depth
Proceedings of Workshop on Causality: Objectives and Assessment at NIPS 2008, PMLR 6:191-202, 2010.
For a given target node $T$ and a given depth $k \geq 1$, we propose an algorithm for discovering a local causal network around the target $T$ to depth $k$. In our algorithm, we find parents, children and some descendants (PCD) of nodes stepwise away from the target $T$ until all edges within the depth $k$ local network cannot be oriented further. Our algorithm extends the PCD-by-PCD algorithm for prediction with intervention presented in Yin et al. (2008). Our algorithm can construct a local network to depth $k$, has a more efficient stop rule and finds PCDs along some but not all paths starting from the target.