Volume 158: Machine Learning for Health, 04 December 2021, Virtual Conference, Anywhere, Earth
Editors: Subhrajit Roy, Stephen Pfohl, Emma Rocheteau, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Luis Oala, Fabian Falck, Yuyin Zhou, Liyue Shen, Ghada Zamzmi, Purity Mugambi, Ayah Zirikly, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Emily Alsentzer
Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) 2021
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:1-12
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Question Answering for Complex Electronic Health Records Database using Unified Encoder-Decoder Architecture
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:13-25
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Attention Distillation for Detection Transformers: Application to Real-Time Video Object Detection in Ultrasound
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:26-37
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Towards Explainable End-to-End Prostate Cancer Relapse Prediction from H&E Images Combining Self-Attention Multiple Instance Learning with a Recurrent Neural Network
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:38-53
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How Transferable are Self-supervised Features in Medical Image Classification Tasks?
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:54-74
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SmartTriage: A system for personalized patient data capture, documentation generation, and decision support
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:75-96
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Prognosticating Colorectal Cancer Recurrence using an Interpretable Deep Multi-view Network
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:97-109
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MEDCOD: A Medically-Accurate, Emotive, Diverse, and Controllable Dialog System
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:110-129
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Domain-guided Self-supervision of EEG Data Improves Downstream Classification Performance and Generalizability
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:130-142
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Deconfounding Temporal Autoencoder: Estimating Treatment Effects over Time Using Noisy Proxies
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:143-155
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3KG: Contrastive Learning of 12-Lead Electrocardiograms using Physiologically-Inspired Augmentations
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:156-167
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Image Classification with Consistent Supporting Evidence
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:168-180
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Early Exit Ensembles for Uncertainty Quantification
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:181-195
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RadBERT-CL: Factually-Aware Contrastive Learning For Radiology Report Classification
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:196-208
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Retrieval-Based Chest X-Ray Report Generation Using a Pre-trained Contrastive Language-Image Model
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:209-219
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Longitudinal patient stratification of electronic health records with flexible adjustment for clinical outcomes
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:220-238
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CEHR-BERT: Incorporating temporal information from structured EHR data to improve prediction tasks
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:239-260
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End-to-End Sequential Sampling and Reconstruction for MRI
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:261-281
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G-Net: a Recurrent Network Approach to G-Computation for Counterfactual Prediction Under a Dynamic Treatment Regime
Proceedings of Machine Learning for Health, PMLR 158:282-299
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