On the Learnability of Fully-Connected Neural Networks
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 54:83-91, 2017.
Despite the empirical success of deep neural networks, there is limited theoretical understanding on the learnability of these models using a polynomial-time algorithm. In this paper, we characterize the learnability of fully-connected neural networks via both positive and negative results. We focus on ℓ1-regularized networks, where the ℓ1-norm of the incoming weights of every neuron is assumed to be bounded by a constant B>0. Our first result shows that such networks are properly learnable in \text{poly}(n,d,\exp(1/ε^2)) time, where n and d are the sample size and the input dimension, and ε> 0 is the gap to optimality. The bound is achieved by repeatedly sampling over a low-dimensional manifold so as to ensure approximate optimality, but avoids the \exp(d) cost of exhaustively searching over the parameter space. We also establish a hardness result showing that the exponential dependence on 1/ε is unavoidable unless \bf RP = \bf NP. Our second result shows that the exponential dependence on 1/ε can be avoided by exploiting the underlying structure of the data distribution. In particular, if the positive and negative examples can be separated with margin γ> 0 by an unknown neural network, then the network can be learned in \text{poly}(n,d,1/ε) time. The bound is achieved by an ensemble method which uses the first algorithm as a weak learner. We further show that the separability assumption can be weakened to tolerate noisy labels. Finally, we show that the exponential dependence on 1/γ is unimprovable under a certain cryptographic assumption.